Well done on the collage! As for a caption, I have enough trouble coming up with them for my own pictures! You have a couple of characters there for sure.
Thanks Stan we are big rock n roll fans! the boyZ are going to see KISS next weekend! Really hoping that Baby Z3 holds out till after the concert! or comes THIS weekend!
Well done on the collage! As for a caption, I have enough trouble coming up with them for my own pictures! You have a couple of characters there for sure.
ReplyDeleteRock with ZZLent
ReplyDeleteI used to be part of a band years ago. It's great to expose kids to the wonders of music at a young age! Kudos to u!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sharon! I LOVE the collages!
ReplyDeleteLeigha: You know it!
Thanks Stan we are big rock n roll fans! the boyZ are going to see KISS next weekend! Really hoping that Baby Z3 holds out till after the concert! or comes THIS weekend!