Friday, August 6, 2010

I sew...I so don't

Zain is amazed at how fast this was going.

I CAN'T SEW, but sometimes I like to pretend I know how.  My mom gave let me use her sewing machine earlier this spring when I attempted to make a bag (I did it, looks great, and I use it!) well I still have her machine in my stamp room.  Sooooo I decided to make some burp cloths like my friend Chelly made for me when I was pregnant with Zain.  I love the size of these burp cloths, and they are a nice thick absorbent flannel....PERFECT for lots and lots of spit up!

These are SO EASY!  I would like to thank Chelly for showing me how she made them,  AND for the new pile she made for Baby Z3.

Here is how I did it!!!!

First you want to cut your FLANNEL material.  I just got 1/2 a yard of each pattern the boyZZ and I picked out.  That made one burp cloth.  I should not have even cut it because of the amount I sewed around but whatever :o)  If you get more then 1/2 a yard or you really need measurements then cut 2 pieces at 18"x22" QUICK TIP: Remember to make it a little easier for you keep the fold, then when you start to sew you will only have to sew 3 sides instead of 4 ;o)

I then took the material over the the sewing machine, which I brought into the living room, set it on the boyZZ spiderman table so I could catch up on some GH!

Having my material inside out (pattern sides NOT visual) I stitched a 1/2 inch seam around the 3 sides (did not have to stitch the fold)  and left about 4 inches open so I could return my material right side out.  (this really reminds me of the pillows I made in 8th grade...all except I am not stuffing these)  Chelly told me before I turn my material right side out to clip the corners a little to make a sharp corner when finished...well I forgot to do this every single time and mine still look great :o)

After turning my material right side out I added a quick stitch around the entire burp cloth...all 4 sides.  You can iron the burp cloth before this step so it is nice and criap before you start sewing, my iron was A L L the way upstairs so I just started sewing...  ;o) I am so lazy sometimes....  After I was done with the hem around all 4 sides all I did was cut any extra threads that were hanging around.

Guess what WASH and then you are ready to wipe up some spit up!!!!

These are the burp cloths Chelly made for me!  LOVE THEM!
Most burp cloths that you buy at the store are so little and it does not even start to cover any of my shirts (also costs so much for 3) so I am thrilled with the size of these AND I just LOVE the skull material we found!  Shop around and make sure to check out the clearance section of your favorite material store.

I really would love to sew more.  It is so rewarding!  Please share with me any tips you may have or other projects to try.  Any sites that have helped you when you first started?  Anything....  Thank you so much in always I LOVE hearing from you!


  1. So (sew) impressed with this project of yours!

    I love the pic of Zain peeking through the sewing machine. :-)

  2. Picture is adorable! Those are the wildest burp clothes I've ever seen. I just use cloth diapers, LOL!
