Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I Love My Blue Sausages!

My facebook post on Tuesday:

Anyone want to come over and paint my toes this afternoon? I can't reach :o(

I am very lucky to have such great friends and family!  Today my friend Kirsten came over to drop off some Stampin Up catalogs for me and she also brought me some WONDERFUL nail polish!  Marine Scene from Sally Hanson...It is a really cool shade of blue which is very appropriate  (did I seriously spell that right the first time?) seeing as though Baby Boy Z3 is expecting to join us ANY DAY!!!!  Kirsten even offered to stay at my C R A Z Y house and paint my toes for me!  Her kids were all prepared to entertain Zak and Zain...SO SWEET!!!  Chris's sister, Shana, was already on her way over to do my toes. should have seen then before she worked her magic...G R O S S!!!!  She made them look all nice and pretty so when my feet are in my face as I push out my new baby boy I won't be so grossed out!

Look at my cute chubby swollen sausages now!  The boyZ keep telling me how much they just LOVE the color.  They are awesome!!!!

Thank you so much to Kirsten for the great color choice, and to Shana for coming over to pedi me!!!!  (I have actually been VERY lucky, this is the 3rd time I have gotten my toes painted while I have been preggo!  Dawn, Chris's other sister, did it the first time.  My sister Leigha did it last time out by the pool....thank you to the 2 of you as well!)

The boyZ were very happy to have their little cousin Xavier aka X-Man come over for a little play date while Shana worked her magic!  I can't believe how quickly X-Man is growing.  I think Zain doesn't realize that he is a big boy now...he kept saying "do you want to play with the baby toys?"  Too funny!  I took a few pictures of X-Man and this was my favorite!

I hope you all have a great day!


(1 cm dilated, 9 to go! hear the sarcasm haha)

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