There are so many coupons out there, you just have to know where to look and how to use them. In the past whenever I got a coupon for a product that my family uses, I would go out to the store and get the biggest size I could find because hey I am getting 1.00 off right! no, No, NO!!!
I am so new at this but here are some tips that I am learning to follow....
~Organize your coupons...know what you have
~Read the flyers Compare your coupons with the sale prices (coupon match up)
~Try new products! If you are able to get it for very cheap or maybe even free what's it going to hurt to just try?
~Read the coupon, if there is no size limit then you may be able to get a bunch of trial size products for free and have possible overage (today I bought a light bulb for $.99 but my coupon was for $1.00. So I had a 1 cent overage.)
~Stock up if the price is good! Stocking up is very new to me..I will be looking into shelves this weekend, and my new freezer that I have wanted to years is due to arrive tomorrow!!! (Just in time for the sale at Target in Smart Ones!) OOOHHH and I got a great deal on my freezer but more about that later :o)
After following these tips I took my coupon binder, flyer, and list and off I went. I went to Shaws and Price Chopper. 2 stores I never go to.
I feel really good about what I did and I know that it will only get better!
I want to thank 2 Boys + 1 Girl = One Crazy Mom. Melanie helped me get started and you should really go check out her blog...HOLY SAVINGS!
Have a great day!!!
Wayyy to go... you did a great job :-)... whohoooo