Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Coupons are AMAZING

For the past few weeks I have been clipping coupons and researching HOW people save so much.  It really is amazing!  I've been reading blogs after blogs about JUST COUPONS.

There are so many coupons out there, you just have to know where to look and how to use them.  In the past whenever I got a coupon for a product that my family uses, I would go out to the store and get the biggest size I could find because hey I am getting 1.00 off right!  no, No, NO!!!    

I am so new at this but here are some tips that I am learning to follow....

~Organize your coupons...know what you have
~Read the flyers Compare your coupons with the sale prices (coupon match up)
~Try new products!  If you are able to get it for very cheap or maybe even free what's it going to hurt to just try?
~Read the coupon, if there is no size limit then you may be able to get a bunch of trial size products for free and have possible overage (today I bought a light bulb for $.99 but my coupon was for $1.00.  So I had a 1 cent overage.)
~Stock up if the price is good!  Stocking up is very new to me..I will be looking into shelves this weekend, and my new freezer that I have wanted to years is due to arrive tomorrow!!!  (Just in time for the sale at Target in Smart Ones!)  OOOHHH and I got a great deal on my freezer but more about that later :o)

After following these tips I took my coupon binder, flyer, and list and off I went.  I went to Shaws and Price Chopper.  2 stores I never go to.

I feel really good about what I did and I know that it will only get better!  

I want to thank 2 Boys + 1 Girl = One Crazy Mom.    Melanie helped me get started and you should really go check out her blog...HOLY SAVINGS!

Have a great day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wayyy to go... you did a great job :-)... whohoooo

